39 weeks pregnant....sharp pains? - sharp pain 39 weeks pregnant
Well, I have 39 weeks of pregnancy. Whenever I wake up, I have a sharp pain in the vaginal area. As soon as I believe, however, the pain disappeared. What is possible?
39 weeks pregnant....sharp pains? - sharp pain 39 weeks pregnant
Well, I have 39 weeks of pregnancy. Whenever I wake up, I have a sharp pain in the vaginal area. As soon as I believe, however, the pain disappeared. What is possible?
Is the baby grows on the neck of the uterus and the pelvic floor muscles to move, take the child at birth. I had the worst pain in the two weeks before my baby. Go to help as much as possible!
This is B / C of the child is so great when you disappeared Your little pain, but that's another pain, after her baby. Good luck and congratulations.
Do not be stupid !!!!!!!!!!!!!! Going to the doctor
After 4 pregnancies and complications of early contractions experience !!!!!!!!! Going to the doctor
first pregnancy. 4mths - Miscarriage
9wks pregnant 2nd - Miscarriage
3 of pregnancy, 28 weeks 5/7th - premature labor (labor could not stop) the results of my son is deaf. Daughter well.
Questions 4 to 37 weeks 6/7th toxic shock extreme acute pain. Nodules in the liver and in a forced Caesarean section. Only in this way the problem can be solved in delivery.
Do not Mess With THIS go to the doctor.
that all I can say.
It is the pressure of the baby. Perhaps the child is in its place: for the delivery. The baby can stay in this position for several weeks. I had the same thing happened to me. Be careful when sneezing or laughing, you could lose control of his bladder now.
If you know, I say. =) In 37 weeks pregnant, and I also.
Many people have told me that the head is in a position, and it touches a nerve. (or what) Anyway =), but I am a believer. That has to do with the baby stands on his head.
Pinched nerve, neck pain, this kind of thing.
In most cases, at this stage of pregnancy that is caused by varicose veins in the vaginal area.
It will end when the baby is born.
Yup, that the head of the baby. I was also feeling a sharp pinch was only joyous.LOL.
Baby ring could in the Hosptial way I checked if you have back pain, so good, or just have fun, to the ring and see what they say, I think you'll find that your expansion and that is what pain is happiness
Contractions. :)
I did the same. It was nothing serious. Only part of late pregnancy. However, if you do not have reason to worry, you should contact your doctor. as soon as possible.
I Feel You, I feel that since 30 weeks and now at 35 .. said the doctor, usually their babies head pressure on a nerve. He seems to feel the baby to fall.
I Feel You, I feel that since 30 weeks and now at 35 .. said the doctor, usually their babies head pressure on a nerve. He seems to feel the baby to fall.
I am also 39 weeks pregnant experincing have the same pain. Since the baby has dropped and exerts more pressure on the pelvic bone.
The baby is likely to press his head into his neck.
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