Tuesday, February 2, 2010

White Blisters In Mouth By Wisdom Teeth Painful Blisters On My Gums?

Painful blisters on my gums? - white blisters in mouth by wisdom teeth

I have these painful white blister like things in my gums. You should have my wisdom teeth, but my orthodontist told me not to get your wisdom teeth. Not only occur if in the first place that I tonsils and lymph nodes, headache, fever after neck began to 2 shafts. Then I got tons of blisters on the mouth (including tongue and lips). 2 went to the doctor, said there was no cure, and it is a viral infection that is likely to disappear in a week. It was a week and three days, and the pain is unbearable.
Does anyone know this? Or how can I heal faster? I can not even eat or have any contact with liquids. I washed my mouth with warm salt water, got rid of blisters on the tongue and the lips of healing. Should I do this? Can you cure blisters on the back of the gums?

If you have no answer to locial or say something like "Just the doctor." So nothing to say. NeedInformation. Please and thank you!


Tracker said...

It sounds like thrush. Very unpleasant, and yeast! You need to go a doctor or dentist and see if one medication. I suggest a different doctor if you are a brush, it just so.

Helen DDS said...

They described Herpetic primary. It hurts, but it should begin to heal quickly. You can help your mouth with a swish of liquid Benadryl, to relieve pain. (Those who stunned the tissue). You can swish and spit every half hour or so, if necessary. Hold with warm salt water. They are the things on the bottom. It would help if your doctor has prescribed Tylenol with codeine. Try Advil in the meantime.

loving yahoo answers said...

Viral infections are not very effective medicines ... or just simple words ...- no drugs

the only drugs we have is to reduce pain - fever and other symptoms ..

Viral infections usually last 10-12 days ...

or just go to another doctor and obtain a pathological diagnosis to exclude other infections

derek said...

all I can say is that it seeks to try rinsing with salt water

derek said...

all I can say is that it seeks to try rinsing with salt water

derek said...

all I can say is that it seeks to try rinsing with salt water

Larissa & Leslie P said...

Yes u should continue to do what you need to heal all wounds and blisters Saltwater Drys all off, and after a day or a few weeks, when the bubbles disappear, some painkillers and go with salt water, then underground for a few weeks should be well , custom, or more damage has happened, as this cuz I know the same thing to me and stayed there, and it works, but when the bubbles once again or have to take analgesics continues to use and makes the salty water, the gum or [teeth wisedom disease] and U probably should not fight and complain about the operation itself and the message should no longer care, and an 'have no hope or relief of pain

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